Web Based Electronic Health Records
Technologies have played a great role in healthcare department and electronic health records are one of real life examples. Web-based technologies have brought forward more sophistication and comfort in the EHR systems and have simplified its execution for the physicians.

General survey reports of health care providers indicate that providers don’t adopt electronic health records with the top concern of time and resource utilization. They just don’t consider bearing the cost of EHR, but also the loss of revenue with additional hiring of staff and time spent on implementation of the system.

These web-based systems don’t require the practice to make specific arrangements at their end. The EHR vendors like My Doctors Chart provide all the services remotely. A physician just requires a computer system with internet and web browser to access the whole patient data. They can login to the EHR anywhere they have access to the internet, can sign charts from home, track updates or access patient lab results even while traveling.
The practice's records are always securely available to the physicians. On one hand, the availability of data is possible anywhere anytime, on the other, the encryption solutions keep the data transfer safe and protected. Besides that, web-based EHR would make the system up-gradation easy once the meaningful use stage 2 would be implemented and physicians won’t have to face the hassles of redoing the system adjustments.
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