Tuesday, 9 April 2013

MyDoctorsChart - Dashboard

The Dashboard of mydoctorschart gives an overview of complete physician's activity. It is divided into six columns displaying;
  1. Claims summary,
  2. Pending Charts,
  3. CheckedIn Patients,
  4. New Messages for the user,
  5. Drafted Claims, and
  6. quick summary of Meaningful Use Points. 
Claims Summary:

Claims summary gives a quick over view of full paid, unpaid and partially paid claims. User can select date of service from top right corner and can get the required report. 

Pending Charts:

Pending charts displays a quick review of charts yet to be reviewed by the provider. Using the dashboard, the physician can directly go to charts,  review charts, sign and can get the work done. 

Checked-In Patients

The Checked-In patients indicate time, patients' name, provider and room of the patient. The status can be edited right from the dash board and once the patient is examined, the dash board window enables to check out the patient. 

By selecting the provider and relevant facility, it can show status of any provider as indicated in screen shot. There is an additional option of All and Today that helps to review the desired report. 

Draft Claims

Draft Claims displays quick link of today's appointed patients. The billing team can make use of it and can draft the claims directly through the dashboard. Besides, there is a link for patient search as well. The Biller can search the desired patient and can draft the claim of other patients as well. The total number of claims to be drafted are also displayed on the top of the screen. 

Besides these, the dashboard displays a quick summary of a provider's meaningful use activity. any pending measures would be displayed here and provider can complete as per scheduled time. The new messages appear towards the left and can be answered from thereon.

In-short, dashboard of MyDoctorsChart displays quick links for doctors ease and tasks can be worked upon with few clicks making the work more easier for the provider.  

1 comment:

  1. Technology is definitely improving and we can see this through electronic health record software. My brother has started using this and he says it has been really helpful in his profession.


Surveillance Notice:

This Complete EHR is 2011/2012 compliant and has been certified by an ONC- ATCB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or guarantee the receipt of incentive payments.
